Neuro Surgery

Neurosurgery is a medical discipline dealing with the prevention, diagnosis, surgical treatment and recovery of diseases involving some part of the nervous system, including the skull, spinal cord, cerebrovascular system, and peripheral nervous system.

We are blessed with highly proficient and expert team for neurosurgery. With a legacy of innovation and expertise, we are known as the best hospital for neurosurgery and neurology. We are well-equipped with the entire pre-requisite to treat neurological diseases such as coma, epilepsy, stroke Parkinson’s disease and so forth.

Neurosurgery, a branch of medicine specializing with head, spinal and nerve disorders, is a primary specialization of hospitals in Gee Bee Hospital. Our neurosurgery physicians treat neurological conditions such as brain injuries or cancer, skull damage, neck injury, brain cancers, spinal tumors, brain hemorrhage, hydrocephalus.